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Compact stand alone labelling unit for secure and gentle labelling of ampoules, vials and small bottles.
Capacity from 20 to 100+ products per minute.
Product in-feed from trays products entering the star wheel and and back into trays. Including device for easy handling of products at in- and out-feed of the labelling unit.
It will be possible to print variable and unique data for each product before apply of the lable onto the vial/ampoule/bottle. A vision system can be integrated in order to control print and detect correct label placement.
The labelling unit is very operator friendly, the HMI is very intuitive and give the operator full visibility of status for the machine.
We have designed this standard vial labeller for secure and gentle handling of vials and small bottles.
Capacity up to 250 products per minute.
Product infeed from tray via turn table and conveyor or in-line from upstream machine via conveyor.
The vial labeller can be delivered both as an off-line and an in-line unit.
Label print is done by thermal transfer printer
Vision inspection of print before apply of label onto vials and vision inspection of label on product and placement of the label, only approved vials are allowed to leave the index wheel.
Very user friendly HMI.
Find here datasheet for the Vial and Ampoule labeller with Vision
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For more than 20 years our specialised technical team has provided customised labelling solutions for the pharma industry. We speak the same language as you and know what challenges you face.
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